1. No hacking. No game-breaking exploits.
2. No racism/hate speech. Don’t spam/flood. Don’t harass via PMs. /speech
- This includes consistent or extremely xenophobic comments (simply found in /speech).
3. Signs with homophobia, racism, admin slander, detailed nudity, or hate speech aren’t allowed.
4. Play fairly. Don’t ask or harass admins for favors or advantages.
5. Don’t slander admins, impersonate them, or give them commands/orders.
6. Names must have over 3 unique, consecutive English characters. Blank names aren’t allowed.
7. Names that are stolen or duplicated aren’t allowed.
8. Don’t wall off monuments/radtowns. Walling off quarry and water well is allowed.
- This includes denying movement inside of monuments, such as roofcamping & shooting into outpost and bandit camp. You can kill players once they exit, however, killing people at recycler from outside of bandit/outpost & team-killing people consistently over and over within bandit/outpost is subject to punishment.
- Blocking ~20%+ of a monument's radius subjects multiple parts of your base/walls/structures to removal. To avoid this conflict, build farther away from monuments, so you are not building right along the "no-build zone."
9. Do not BUILD, LIVE, OR STORE LOOT inside of foundations.
- The cave "bucket" exploit is now allowed.
- The vast majority of building exploits are now allowed due to their absurdly common usage in the Rust build metagame.
Please, don't hesitate to ask Stannis about any bugs or exploits you think might be relevant. We cannot prevent all bugs and exploits, but we do target these abusive violations.
1. Extremely over-the-top, abusive speech toward the server, the owner, and the staff.
Why is this not allowed? We provide a service for you day after day. Attacking our community is highly unproductive. Discuss serious concerns with the owner versus mindlessly and disrespectfully engaging your problem.
2. Completely misrepresenting Rusteros maliciously or harmfully. This is often by toxic speech, or especially by lying.
Why is this not allowed? We put in work toward keeping an ethical code. You lying about what we're doing or misrepresenting us costs us unncessary time.
3. Speech that is directly racist, homophobic, or absurdly hateful in nature.
Why is this not allowed? We are attempting to build a community. Breeding actual raw and purified hate within our community has no place.
4. Directly provoking or showing a clear intent to instigate other players to break rules.
Why is this not allowed? Provoking other people to break rules does not promote any sort of helpfulness; it also shows cowardice to break them yourself. No, breaking rules doesn't make you evil. Yes, breaking rules makes you a person that clearly doesn't respect the time that is invested for the sake of the community.
1. Spam/flooding explained:
- Spam is considered needless things written in public chat that are not used for talking purposes. It is largely synonymous with flooding. Spam may include writing completely incomprehensible or needless things on a continual basis.
- Flooding is considered typing the same thing over and over, or collaborating with your clan or group to all type the same thing with the purpose to create further spam or flooding. If you flood or spam chat, you are subject to being muted.
Why is this not allowed? It's a nuisance to people who moderate and read every single message of chat. Additionally, it's extremely distracting for people who are actually playing and not using the game as an AOL chatroom.
5. Regarding slander toward the Owner:
- If an admin is abusing, please post evidence to Stannis via discord PM.
- Any & all mistakes will be admitted to (99% of the time in a publicly displayed manner as well), as it's never a problem. Mistakes happen. Throwing blind insults is not something that can be gladly serviced with a smile.
- The owner shadowplays/records literally all gameplay that is done in-game. If not, you should be. If you have abuse accusations as far as gameplay goes, please have recordings, or ask the owner to provide a recording. I will do so at the end of the wipe, when metainformation is no longer possible. If private/confidential reports are filed, I reserve the right to edit them out.
6 & 7. Unique names & duplicate names explained:
- Duplicate names unfortunately allow mistakeful bans and mutes to happen.
- Intentional name stealing is also sometimes used as a scummy tactic to inside raid players or to infiltrate their clans. It's a form of identity theft in-game.
- Sometimes, stolen names end up in a player being wrongfully reported when in reality they meant to report another player.
Thus, avoiding duplicate names when it is likely that conflict will arise is productive. though it may seem annoying, we're thankful that you avoid these conflicts and issues.
[These sections will be updated further, as more common sense is unfound.]
All inference toward "finding singles" or dating services are merely a joke and satire. This is not to be taken seriously, and is intended as a silly joke. Copyright © 2015-2023 The Rusteros Community - All Rights Reserved